Monday, February 8, 2010

Double of Everything

Since Dr Prashant gave me 2 months supply of Clomid, I decided to buy 2 months supply of OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kit) and Pre-seed Lubricant. So, if it doesn't work this month, I will try for another month.

Anyway, I came across this advise on a website on Feng Shui to aid conception. (What the heck, why not have all the "powers" to assist us, including Feng Shui!)

"It is advisable to display animal ornaments, symbols or subjects in a painting in pairs. Pairing symbolizes marital union."

Hmmm, pairing symbolizes marital union. I don't have any pairs of figurines or ornaments in my room, but hey, I have 2 of these in my bedside drawer:


Ovulation Predictor
(I bought Guardian brand, it was cheaper than Clearblue and I'm sure it does the same thing!)

And, 2 boxes of Pre-seed Lubricant

Lastly, don't know why I did it, but I bought pregnancy test. A box of 2!! I really hope for BFPs from these 2 test kits:

I'm now ready for the month ahead!!


  1. wish you all the best. am yet to start my clomid...

  2. Thanks! My doc asked me to take 2 tablets at night, I think it helps when u take it and then sleep it off. I did experience some depression, but other than that it was ok for me... Good luck to u too....
